Tutorial to Ridge Regression
By ordinary OLS regression, it is easy to cause problems, for example, imprecise estimate of coefficients, measurement error sensitivity and numerical instability , when predictors are highly correlated. To deal with multiple collinearity of predictors, we could use ridge regression instead.
First, let’s take a look at how regression coefficients \(\beta\) is computed. The computation of ridge coefficients is equivalent to a argmin function as below. \[\beta=argmin ||X\beta-Y||^{2}_{2}+\lambda||\beta||^{2}_{2} \] Then we can find this function could be rewritten as a clearer way as below.
\[\beta=argmin || \left( \begin {matrix} X\\ \sqrt{\lambda}I\\ \end {matrix} \right) \begin {matrix} \beta\\ \end {matrix} - \left( \begin {matrix} Y\\ 0\\ \end {matrix} \right) ||^{2}_{2} \]
From the view of singular value decomposition(SVD), we can quickly get the answer to the question of \(X=argmin||AX-b||^{2}_{2}=A^{+}b\), where \(A^{+}\) means the pseudo inverse of \(A\) matrix. Consequently, we could obtain ridge coefficients by calculating the pseudo inverse of matrix \(\left(\begin {matrix} X\\ \sqrt{\lambda}I\\ \end {matrix}\right)\) in our problem.
\[\beta= \left( \begin {matrix} X\\ \sqrt{\lambda}I\\ \end {matrix} \right)^{+} \left( \begin {matrix} Y\\ 0\\ \end {matrix} \right) = \left[ \left( \begin {matrix} X\\ \sqrt{\lambda}I\\ \end {matrix} \right)^{T} \left( \begin {matrix} X\\ \sqrt{\lambda}I\\ \end {matrix} \right) \right]^{-1} \left( \begin{matrix} X^{T}&\sqrt{\lambda}I \end{matrix} \right) \left( \begin {matrix} Y\\ 0\\ \end {matrix} \right) \]
Finishing these steps above, we can get the value of coefficients \(\beta\), which equals \[ \beta=(X^{T}X+{\lambda}I)^{-1}X^{T}Y \] Thus, we briefly introduced the process of computing ridge regression coeficients. In the following part, we’ll place most of our efforts on selection of \(\lambda\), which is an equally important part in ridge regression.
The dataset we will use in this project is meatspec, from R package: faraway. You could see more descriptions of this package in references.
The dataset meatspec includes 215 samples. For each sample, the fat content(fat) of fresh choped meat was measured along the 100 channel spectrum of absorbances(V1-V100). Since determining the fat content via analytical chemistry is time consuming, we would like to build a model to predict the fat content of new samples using 100 absorbances which can be measured more easily.
##Source of data
Variables | Description | Class |
V1-V100 | absorbances across a range of 100 wavelengths | numeric |
fat | fat content | numeric |
The 215 samples of 100 channel spectrum of absorbances measurement forms a 215 * 100 matrix, where the condition number is 2.6e+14. This high condition number shows that the variable matrix in our example is ill-conditioned.
## [1] 215 101
##condition number
X = as.matrix(meatspec[, -101])
e = eigen(t(X) %*% X)$val
## [1] 2.613081e+14
Below is a plot of correlation among 100 channel spectrum of absorbances. We observe a very high collinearity, where adjacent channels are almost perfectly correlated.
As it could be observed above, predictors are highly correlated. So, we are going to use ridge regression as we mentioned first. More explicitly, we will do ridge regression of response fat on V1-V100 predictors to fit a model and predict the fat content in each chopped pure meat. We will show the examples of ridge regression in R, Matlab and Stata respectively. See introductions of specific ridge packages or functions below.
Package RIDGE was published on July 26, 2018.
This package was an implementation of a semi-automatic method to guide the choice of ridge parameter in ridge regression by Erika Cule and Maria De Iorio. The method was based on controlling the variance of the predicted observations in the model. The underlying method is different from those used in our tutorial on Matlab and Stata, thus different results are expected and considered acceptable.
While exploring the RIDGE package, we have found an implementation defect in function “linearRidge”.
In this section, we will identify the problem and propose a solution to get rid of it.
The dataset we use is “meatspec”, from faraway package.
Below is a matplot of absorbances(y) against 100 channel spectrums (\(X_1\), \(X_2\), …, \(X_{100}\)) for first 10 observations in the dataset.
# plot first 10 observations
matplot(t(meatspec[c(1:10), c(1:100)]),
pch = "*", las = 1,
xlab = "channel",
ylab = "absorbances")
To split dataset into 5 groups, a new column “gp” is added with values 0, 1, 2, 3, 4.
We take gp = 1 - 4 as training data, and gp = 0 as validation data.
new_data = meatspec %>% dplyr::mutate(gp = seq(1:n())%% 5)
The R package “Ridge” contains a function “linearRidge”, which fits a linear ridge regression model providing an option to chose the ridge regression parameter automatically using the method proposed by Cule in 2012.
With our training dataset, calling function linearRidge returns an error as below.
# fit ridge regression using linearRidge
Tracing back to the source code, the behavior starts deviating from our expection since line 96, where object “nPCs” turned NULL.
In line 96, “nPCs <- which.max(propVar[propVar < 90]) + 1”, function “which.max” returned NULL and assigned it to “nPCs”.
“nPCs” stands for number of principal component. In source code, “nPCs” is defined as the minimum number of principal components that explains more than 90% of variances in the predictors.
Using our training data, we have one principle component explains 99.96% of total variances in the predictors due to collinearity. Since it exceeds the 90% threshold, we expect setting “nPCS” as 1 here.
# check PC
X = new_data[which(new_data$gp != 0),1:100]
Xs = svd(X)
Xs_d2 = Xs$d^2
Xs_v = cumsum(Xs_d2) / sum(Xs_d2)
plot(Xs_v, xlab = "Index_PC", ylab = "Variances")
## [1] 0.9996095
This is because function “which.max” determines the location, i.e., index of the first maximum of a numeric vector. In our case, we were not able to find such a location, thus NULL is returned. “nPCs”was assigned as NULL as well.
Under cases of almost perfect multicollinearity, we propose to calculate singular value decomposition separately and specify our own “nPCs.”
Meanwhile, you can choose your own threshold and reflect it by setting “nPCs” value.
Instead of relying on the 90% threshold set within this function, more flexibility is granted for users in this way.
Based on training data, we fit linear ridge regression using function “linearRidge”, which returns an object containing a named vector of fitted coefficients, the ridge regression parameters(\(\lambda\)), etc..
# fit linear ridge regression with nPC = 1
train_data = new_data[which(new_data$gp != 0),1:101]
ridge.fit1 = linearRidge(formula = fat ~ .,
data = train_data,
nPCs = 1)
ridge.fit1.summary = summary(ridge.fit1)
## [1] 2.298221
For validation, we use the function “predict” with object returned by “linearRidge” and our validation data. The RMSE calculated was about 10 based on predictions.
# prediction using test data based on ridge.fit1
test_data = new_data[which(new_data$gp == 0),1:101]
ridge.predict1 = predict(object = ridge.fit1, newdata = test_data[, 1:100])
# rmse function
rmse_fct = function(y, yhat){
sqrt(mean( (y - yhat)^2))
# calculate rmse
rmse_fct(y = test_data[, 101],
yhat = ridge.predict1)
## [1] 10.4041
What will happen if we set a higher threshold? Let’s consider including first 3 principal components by setting nPCs = 3. Based on previous analysis, first 3 principal components explain more than 99.99% variances in predictors.
# fit linear ridge regression with nPC = 3
train_data = new_data[which(new_data$gp != 0),1:101]
ridge.fit3 = linearRidge(formula = fat ~ .,
data = train_data,
nPCs = 3)
ridge.fit3.summary = summary(ridge.fit)
## [1] 1.812374e-09
For validation, we use the function “predict” with object returned by “linearRidge” and our validation data. The RMSE calculated based on prediction was about 4.3, which is much smaller than setting nPCs = 1. Better prediction!
# prediction using test data based on ridge.fit1
test_data = new_data[which(new_data$gp == 0),1:101]
ridge.predict3 = predict(object = ridge.fit3, newdata = test_data[, 1:100])
# calculate rmse
rmse_fct(y = test_data[, 101],
yhat = ridge.predict3)
## [1] 4.338263
What will happen if we set an even higher threshold? Do we really need a threshold? Let’s consider including first 80 principal components by setting nPCs = 80.
# fit linear ridge regression with nPC = 80
train_data = new_data[which(new_data$gp != 0),1:101]
ridge.fit80 = linearRidge(formula = fat ~ .,
data = train_data,
nPCs = 80)
ridge.fit80.summary = summary(ridge.fit80)
## [1] 7.273853e-10
For validation, we use the function “predict” with object returned by “linearRidge” and our validation data. The RMSE calculated based on prediction was about 4.7, which is larger than setting nPCs = 3. Thus including more principle components does not guaranteee better prediction.
# prediction using test data based on ridge.fit80
test_data = new_data[which(new_data$gp == 0),1:101]
ridge.predict80 = predict(object = ridge.fit80, newdata = test_data[, 1:100])
# calculate rmse
rmse_fct(y = test_data[, 101],
yhat = ridge.predict80)
## [1] 4.701454
We identified a defect in implementating “linearRidge” function in package “RIDGE” under extreme scenarios, where almost perfectly multicollinearity was shown among independent variables. Under such situations, we suggest user to to specify the value of paramter “nPCs” as an input to the function.
Zooming into the source code, we observed the threshold used for selecting number of principal components was fixed at 90%. Is it the best practice? Based on our data, the answer is no. Moreover, higher number of principal components does not guarantee better prediction.
Here we come to problems may worth further investigation: where is the optimal point for threshold? How to find it efficiently?
The meatspec data comes from R(faraway), first we import it into Matlab, and split the reponse fat(215x1) and predictors spec(215x100).
M = csvread('meatspec.csv',1);
fat = M(:,101);
spec = M(:,1:100);
Since the data is clean, we don’t need to do much work about the data cleaning. Let’s place more effort on the model analysis part.
As we know, the ridge regression will perform better if we standardize the data before doing the regression.So the ridge() function in Matlab,by default, will always stardarize the data first.And the fouth parameter scaled means whether we choose to transform the coefficient \(\beta\) into the scale of the original data.
In Matlab, we can quickly get the coefficient of ridge regression with the help of function b=ridge(y,X,k,scaled).
Let’s take a look at how it works on our data.
b = ridge(fat,spec,lamda,1)
The Ridge trace shows a set of ridge solutions. And it can show us more directly how the coefficient \(\beta\) change with \(\lambda\). With each ridge parameter, we can find the related coefficients. Since in the meatspec data we use has 100 predictors, which means there are 100 ridge traces, making the plots looks a little messy.
ylim([-100 100])
grid on
xlabel('Ridge Parameter')
ylabel('Standardized Coefficient')
title('{\bf Ridge Trace}')
One of the most important part of ridge regression is to select a good \(\lambda\) to help the model performance.
In the original paper of Hoerl and Kennard , they thought we could choose \(\lambda\) for which coefficients are not rapidly changing and have “sensible” signs. Since it’s not a disciplined way, the standard practice now is use cross-validation.
First, we split our dataset into test set and validation set. We choose the test set as the row numbers which mod 5=0, and the left as the validation set.
index0 = find(mod([1:172],5)==0)
index1 = find(mod([1:172],5)>0)
Mtest = M(index0,:);fatv=Mvalidation(:,101);specv = Mvalidation(:,1:100); %split the test set
Mvalidation= M(index1,:);fatt=Mtest(1:100);spect=Mtest(:,1:100) %split the validation set
Then we finish the cross-validation on our validation set.
In Matlab, we can finish the cross-validation work of \(\lambda\) selection with the help of crossval() function. In R and Stata, we can directly select the \(\lambda\) with which could reach the minimum the generalized cross-validation value (GCV) on the validation set. While in Matlab, we can not directly get the GCV value, so we set the \(\lambda\) choosing criterion of MSE on validation set, which is also very interpretable and commonly used.
cp=cvpartition(fat,'k',10); %set dataset partition && set k-fold numbers =10
for lamda=0:1e-7:10e-5
ridgef=@(XTRAIN,ytrain,XTEST)([ones(min(size(XTEST)),1) XTEST]*ridge(ytrain,XTRAIN,lamda,0));
cvMse(:,i) = crossval('mse',spec,fat,'predfun',ridgef,'partition',cp)
[B,I]=min(cvMse) % select lamda =1.18e-5, with MSE=5.1894
xlabel('Ridge Parameter')
ylabel('MSE on the validation set')
Run the code, we can get the \(\lambda\)=1.18e-5, MSE=5.1894 on the validation set. Note that due to the randomness of the function cvpartition(), which is used to set partition of the k-fold cross-validation, the result may vary, but only changes in a small scale.
One of the most important work in ridge regression is to select \(\lambda\). But when we compare the results we get from Matlab, R , Stata, it’s somewhat upsetteing to find the results differs at first \(\lambda_{Matlab}\) =1.18e-5, \(\lambda_{R}\) =1.81e-9, \(\lambda_{Stata}\)=5e-10. But exploring the reason for such difference, we find it arises from some interesting reasons.
We can observe obvious fluctuation between the \(\lambda\) and MSE value, if we do not set cross-validation’s partitions before we loop for different \(\lambda\) values. The general trend of plot doesn’t change but with some fluctuation with \(\lambda\). We can see that different partitions in cross-validation would lead to different results.
If we retrict the range for \(\lambda\) selection in loop [0,1e-10,3e-8] instead of the loop I used above [0:1e-7:10e-5], we can select \(\lambda\)=7.3e-9 with MSE=7.1551, which is quite near the results we get from R and Stata.
Since the \(\lambda\) selected with our datasets is relatively small, on the scale of 0~2e-5, so the relatively small value of \(\lambda\) could be the reason of fluctuation. And since the MSE calculated on the validation set remain stable, \(\lambda\)’s fluctuation could not cause many problems.
Another reason for difference in selecting \(\lambda\) is that Matlab, R and Stata use somewhat different ways for such selection. In Matlab, there is no function which can directly get the \(\lambda\), so I combine the loop for \(\lambda\) and cross-validation function to get the \(\lambda\) with least MSE in validtaion set. In R, Ridge package combines the PCA with ridge regression and runs a default way for cross-validation, and then get \(\lambda\). In Stata, the \(\lambda\) is selected by the criterion of GCV(generalized crossvalidation value) instead of MSE.
Use the \(\lambda\)=1.18e-5, which we get from above. We can finally test the results on the test data.
index0 = find(mod([1:172],5)==0)
Mtest= M(index0,:);fatt=Mtest(:,101);spect=Mtest(:,1:100) %split the validation set
beta=ridge(fatt,spect,1.18e-5,0) % ridge coefficients
mean((fat-[ones(length(spec),1),spec]*beta).^2) % MSE one the test data
Run the code above, we could get the MSE=7.78, which changes not much from the validation test (MSE=5.1894). This shows our model still behave well in the test part.
The data in this example is from meatspec dataset in R package: faraway.
First, we load data into Stata and we could see the dimension of this dataset when we import it.
*Load Data
import delimited meatspec.csv,clear
Then we use summarize command to see the brief description of this dataset. Because our dataset has 100 independent variables and 1 dependent variable. We only show the first six of them.
*Summarize Data
summarize v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 fat
The data seems to be very clean, we just pass to next step.
Because package:ridgereg is not included in Stata, we need to install it first. We will use several options of this function ridgereg in the following, so we discuss these options first:
model(orr): ordinary ridge regression.
kr(): ridge \(\lambda\) value, it is must be in the range (0 < k < 1).
coll: keep collinear variables; default is removing collinear variables.
diag: Model Selection Diagnostic Criteria; this option returns values of many functions, for example, Log Likelihood Function(LLF) and Akaike Information Criterion(AIC). We will use Craven-Wahba Generalized Cross Validation(GCV) of the regression result for this case.
See references for more information about this package.
*install ridgereg package
ssc install ridgereg
As recommanded by the method of ridge regression, we need to standarize our predictors and center the response first. Using for loop to achieve this object:
*standardize independent variables and centered dependent variable
summarize fat
local mean_fat=r(mean)
replace fat=fat-r(mean)
foreach i of numlist 1/100 {
summarize v`i'
replace v`i'=(v`i'-r(mean))/r(sd)
As we know from introduction, the coefficients of ridge regression shrink to 0 with the increasing of \(\lambda\) value. If we visualize this process in Stata, we first do ridge regression on each \(\lambda\) and then plot coefficients against \(\lambda\) values. The plot is as below:
*graph of coefficients: converge to 0
ridgereg fat v* if mod(n,5)!=0,model(orr) kr(0) coll diag
matrix coeff=e(b)
local index=1
generate lambda=0
foreach i of numlist 1e-9(1e-9)5e-8{
local index=`index'+1
ridgereg fat v* if mod(n,5)!=0,model(orr) kr(`i') coll diag
replace lambda=`i' in `index'
matrix b=e(b)
matrix coeff=(coeff\b)
svmat coeff,names(coeff)
line coeff1-coeff99 lambda
Figure 8. Coefficients converge to 0 with the increasing of \(lambda\)
As we could see, all coefficients converge to 0 finally.
Often there is insufficient data for us to do model assessment. Cross-Validation comes to be a commom solutions for this problem based on predictions. In this way, we set some data aside for test and use the other part do training-validation step. During this process, we choose a series of tuning parameter and do regression on various \(\lambda\) values to compare generalized cross-validation estimates. After that, we choose a model which has lowest GCV value and test its performance on prediction.
First, we generate a column of case numbers for this dataset.
*cross-validation assign group
generate n=_n
In this case, we split our dataset into 5 groups. One of the group is test data, whose case number could be divided by 5 without reminder. Others are training and validation data.
In this step, we could simply do training and validation process together based on a model selection diagnostic criteria returned by Stata itself. So, we could save much time. This criteria is generalized cross-validation(GCV) value and it is in ereturn list after doing ridge regression. We just need to choose a \(\lambda\) which optimizes this value.
The porcess is below. Doing this loop 100 times for different \(\lambda\) values and generating a list to save GCV value and corresponding \(\lambda\).
*return GCV(Generalized Cross-Validation) value
generate gcv=10
generate lambda=0
local index=0
foreach i of numlist 0(1e-11)1e-9{
local index=`index'+1
ridgereg fat v* if mod(n,5)!=0,model(orr) kr(`i') coll diag
replace lambda=`i' in `index'
replace gcv=e(gcv) in `index'
Then we could plot GCV values against \(\lambda\). Soomthing this line.
*graph of GCV values on lamda
lowess gcv lambda if n<=101
Figure 9. GCV values against different \(lambda\)
From the plot above, we could see that GCV estimates reaches its minimum around 5e-10. It is the same with the result computed below.
summarize gcv if n<=101
summarize lambda if gcv==r(min)
So, we could conclude that \(\lambda=5e-10\) for this case.
When come to the last step of model assessment, we try to test the performance of our exisiting model on the test data kept at first. So, we fit the same model on the same dataset by assigning \(\lambda\) and then use matrix manipulation to get predictions. Don’t forget that fat variable is centered at first. We need to add back mean value at last to get preditions of fat on all groups of observations.
*test performances of model, lamda=5e-10
ridgereg fat v* if mod(n,5)!=0,model(orr) kr(5e-10) coll predict(pred)
matrix coeff=e(b)'
generate constant=1
mkmat v* constant, matrix(predictors)
matrix pred_fat=predictors*coeff
svmat pred_fat,names(pred_fat)
Finally, MSE of predictions could be computed. Review the formula in introduction to see how it works. Here is the way we could computed in Stata.
*compute MSE
generate err_fat=(pred_fat-fat)^2
summarize err_fat if mod(n,5)==0
display r(mean)
We could see that the MSE of one point even reaches 727. Actually it is an abnormal value. If we exclude this observation from test set, the MSE is much better.
*exclude 727 abnormal observation
summarize err_fat if mod(n,5)==0&n!=185
display r(mean)
If we use this result to predict, RMSE(Root Mean Sqaured Error), which is the root of MSE, is to be used. RMSE equals 2.377 and it is relatively a good result.
As we could see from above, GCV values against \(\lambda\) is not continuous. This may bacause predictors are highly correlated and some predictors could not provide extra information for explaining response, so their coefficients are forced to 0. And their coefficients, which equal 0, are not totally the same with the increasing of \(\lambda\). In this case, GCV values will have a relative large change compared to last ones. As a result, the graph of GCV values is not strictly continuous. In addition, \(\lambda\) is very small after standardization.
Compared with Matlab and R, Stata removes the abnormal point when testing the final model. It is a kind of method to improve the performance of our model. This is caused by the differences between our approaches. Other two samples show a good result even without this step.
Ridge regression is helpful to deal with large number of predictors and high collinearity. Our analysis has provided an implementation of different ridge regression packages in various statistical or mathematical softwares. Though the results are not exactly the same (as we expected), the estimations of \(\lambda\) are close and we have achieved good predicitons based on it.
We used different methods in seleting \(\lambda\). Matlab does not provide any built in function to select \(\lambda\) thus we wrote our own cross-validation function and selected \(\lambda\) based on MSE. Package RIDGE was used in R, which implemented a method by combining the PCA and ridge regression. The function we used has a built in mechanism to estimate \(\lambda\). Stata also provides built in function for ridge regression which selects \(\lambda\) based on the criterion of GCV(generalized crossvalidation value). In addition, the estimated value of \(\lambda\) is very small. We believe different precision levels set within each software is one of the reason for differences in our estimation.
One learning point from using RIDGE package in R is never trust any package blindly. Rather than use it as a blackbox, it’s worthwhile to spend a bit more time to gain good understanding of the package. It’s important to be critical to the result as well. Statistical analysis never ends at getting output from softwares, decision making requires valid interpretation on the output and sometimes judgement call as well.
Matlab Ridge function https://www.mathworks.com/help/stats/ridge.html
Matlab Crossval function https://www.mathworks.com/help/stats/crossval.html
How to calculate gcv https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/SpatialExtremes/versions/2.0-7/topics/gcv
Package faraway https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/faraway/faraway.pdf
Package Ridge https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/ridge/ridge.pdf
Source code https://github.com/SteffenMoritz/ridge/tree/master/R
ridgereg package http://www.haghish.com/statistics/stata-blog/stata-programming/download/ridgereg.html
Faraway,Julian James. Linear Models with R. CRC Press LLC, 2009.