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In this question you will use command line tools to answer question about the 2015 Residential Energy Consumption Survey (RECS 2015) data set.
In part A, your solution to each question should be a Linux “one-liner”, i.e. a series of one or more commands connected by pipes “|”. Please provide both your solution and the result. Your solution must be written in text so that it can be copied and pasted if needed.
< recs2015_public_v3.csv cut -d, -f2 | grep -e "3" | wc -l
There are 2010 homes from region 3 in the data.
We can find the locations of these fields by looking in the codebook.
< recs2015_public_v3.csv cut -d, -f 1,475-571 > recs2015_weights.csv \
&& gzip recs2015_weights.csv
loop to count and print the number of observations within each region.Solution:
for r in `seq 4`
echo -n "$r: "
< recs2015_public_v3.csv cut -d, -f2 | grep -e $r | wc -l
1: 794
2: 1327
3: 2010
4: 1555
providing a sorted list showing unique combinations of values from REGIONC
. Include the contents of that file in your solution. Hint: See man uniq
< recs2015_public_v3.csv head -1 | cut -d, -f2-3 > region_division.txt
< recs2015_public_v3.csv tail -n +2 | cut -d, -f2-3 | sort -t'"' -k4 -n | uniq >> region_division.txt
In this solution, the first line extracts the headers for the two columns of interest and writes them to region_division.txt
. The second line removes the header row, extracts the columns of interest, sorts them and appends the unique combinations to our output file.
In this question, you will use R to answer questions about flights originating in New York City, NY (NYC) in 2013 and 2014. Data for 2013 can be found in the nycflights2013
R package. Data through October 2014 is available here. Your answers should be submitted as nicely formatted tables produced using Rmarkdown.
Source code for solutions:
Airline | Carrier Code | Flights | Percent |
United Air Lines Inc. | UA | 48,880 | 17.4% |
JetBlue Airways | B6 | 45,605 | 16.2% |
ExpressJet Airlines Inc. | EV | 45,395 | 16.1% |
Delta Air Lines Inc. | DL | 40,168 | 14.3% |
American Airlines Inc. | AA | 27,447 | 9.8% |
Envoy Air | MQ | 22,202 | 7.9% |
US Airways Inc. | US | 17,232 | 6.1% |
Endeavor Air Inc. | 9E | 15,232 | 5.4% |
Southwest Airlines Co. | WN | 10,143 | 3.6% |
Virgin America | VX | 4,235 | 1.5% |
AirTran Airways Corporation | FL | 2,845 | 1.0% |
), percents for each year with 95% CI, and change in percent with 95% CI. Which airlines showed the largest increase and decrease? Why do some airlines show an increase in the percent of flights but a decrease in the number of flights?Solution:
Airline | 2013, n | 2013, % | 2014, n | 2014, % | Change in flight share, % |
United Air Lines Inc. | 48,880 | 17.4% (17.0, 17.7) | 46,267 | 18.3% (17.9, 18.6) | 0.9% ( 0.4, 1.4) |
JetBlue Airways | 45,605 | 16.2% (15.9, 16.5) | 44,479 | 17.6% (17.2, 17.9) | 1.4% ( 0.9, 1.8) |
ExpressJet Airlines Inc. | 45,395 | 16.1% (15.8, 16.5) | 39,819 | 15.7% (15.4, 16.1) | -0.4% (-0.9, 0.1) |
Delta Air Lines Inc. | 40,168 | 14.3% (13.9, 14.6) | 41,683 | 16.5% (16.1, 16.8) | 2.2% ( 1.7, 2.7) |
American Airlines Inc. | 27,447 | 9.8% (9.4, 10.1) | 26,302 | 10.4% (10.0, 10.8) | 0.6% ( 0.1, 1.1) |
Envoy Air | 22,202 | 7.9% (7.5, 8.2) | 18,559 | 7.3% (7.0, 7.7) | -0.6% (-1.1, -0.0) |
US Airways Inc. | 17,232 | 6.1% (5.8, 6.5) | 16,750 | 6.6% (6.2, 7.0) | 0.5% (-0.0, 1.0) |
Endeavor Air Inc. | 15,232 | 5.4% (5.1, 5.8) | - | - | -5.4% (-5.8, -5.1) |
Southwest Airlines Co. | 10,143 | 3.6% (3.2, 4.0) | 11,902 | 4.7% (4.3, 5.1) | 1.1% ( 0.6, 1.6) |
Virgin America | 4,235 | 1.5% (1.1, 1.9) | 4,797 | 1.9% (1.5, 2.3) | 0.4% (-0.1, 0.9) |
AirTran Airways Corporation | 2,845 | 1.0% (0.6, 1.4) | 1,251 | 0.5% (0.1, 0.9) | -0.5% (-1.1, 0.0) |
Endeavor air has no 2014 flights originating from NYC in our data and consquently shows the largest decrease in flight share: from 5.4% in 2013 to 0% in 2014. Delta’s flight share increased 2.2% from 14.3% to 16.5%, significantly larger than the next largest increase of 1.4% by Jet Blue (z = 2.34; p = 0.02).
Some airlines, such as United, increased their flight share despite a decrease in the number of flights because there were fewer flights overall in the first ten months of 2014.
Airline | EWR share | JFK share | LGA share |
United Air Lines Inc. | 39.5% (39.1, 39.8) | 4.4% (4.0, 4.8) | 7.5% (7.1, 8.0) |
JetBlue Airways | 5.8% (5.4, 6.2) | 39.6% (39.2, 39.9) | 5.7% (5.3, 6.1) |
ExpressJet Airlines Inc. | 34.7% (34.4, 35.1) | 1.3% (0.8, 1.7) | 10.2% (9.8, 10.6) |
Delta Air Lines Inc. | 4.1% (3.7, 4.5) | 20.5% (20.1, 20.9) | 22.1% (21.7, 22.5) |
American Airlines Inc. | 2.9% (2.5, 3.4) | 13.3% (12.9, 13.8) | 14.4% (14.0, 14.8) |
Envoy Air | 1.2% (0.7, 1.6) | 6.6% (6.1, 7.0) | 15.8% (15.4, 16.2) |
US Airways Inc. | 3.8% (3.4, 4.2) | 2.9% (2.5, 3.4) | 12.6% (12.1, 13.0) |
Endeavor Air Inc. | 0.6% (0.2, 1.0) | 7.6% (7.2, 8.0) | 1.3% (0.9, 1.8) |
Southwest Airlines Co. | 5.3% (4.9, 5.7) | - | 7.0% (6.5, 7.4) |
Virgin America | 1.5% (1.1, 2.0) | 3.5% (3.1, 3.9) | 0.0% (-0.4, 0.5) |
AirTran Airways Corporation | - | - | 2.4% (1.9, 2.8) |
United has the largest share of flights (40%) originating from EWR, Jet Blue (40%) from JFK, and Delta (22%) from LGA.
In this question, you will use R to answer questions about the RECS 2015 data. You should read the section on computing standard errors available here. For each question, produce a nicely formatted table and graph to support you answer. In your tables and graphs please provide standard errors for all point estimates.
Census Division | % Stucco Homes (95% CI) |
Mountain South | 64.2% (55.4, 73.0) |
Pacific | 44.6% (41.3, 47.9) |
Mountain North | 16.6% (10.2, 23.0) |
South Atlantic | 10.6% ( 7.8, 13.4) |
West North Central | 4.9% ( 0.9, 8.8) |
West South Central | 3.0% ( 1.6, 4.3) |
Middle Atlantic | 2.1% ( 0.6, 3.5) |
New England | 1.2% ( 0.0, 2.8) |
East North Central | 0.7% ( 0.1, 1.2) |
East South Central | 0.4% ( 0.0, 1.2) |
Figure 1. Estimated percent of homes within each census division with major wall type of stucco.
The Mountain South division has 64% (95% CI: 55-73%) of homes built with stucco. It is the only division in which more than half the homes are built with this material; it and the Pacific division are the only divisions with more than 25% stucco homes. The East South Central and East North Central divisions both have less than 1% estimated stucco homes but other divisions are comparably low within sampling uncertainty.
Census Division | Average Electricity Usage, kwh/home (95% CI) |
East South Central | 14,536, (13,320 - 15,752) |
West South Central | 14,324, (13,495 - 15,153) |
South Atlantic | 13,447, (12,904 - 13,989) |
West North Central | 10,524, ( 9,635 - 11,413) |
Mountain South | 10,442, ( 7,950 - 12,934) |
East North Central | 9,129, ( 8,730 - 9,528) |
Middle Atlantic | 8,465, ( 8,071 - 8,860) |
Mountain North | 8,384, ( 7,121 - 9,648) |
Pacific | 8,100, ( 7,750 - 8,450) |
New England | 7,515, ( 6,472 - 8,557) |
Figure 2. Estimated average annual electricity usage in khw/home for each of 10 census divisions.
Census Division | Rural, kwh/home (95% CI) | Urban, kwh/home (95% CI) |
East South Central | 16,333, (14,088 - 18,578) | 13,747, (12,197 - 15,298) |
West South Central | 16,317, (14,067 - 18,567) | 13,629, (12,852 - 14,405) |
South Atlantic | 15,942, (14,839 - 17,045) | 12,725, (12,134 - 13,316) |
West North Central | 14,174, (12,608 - 15,740) | 9,467, ( 8,722 - 10,211) |
East North Central | 13,500, (12,022 - 14,978) | 7,980, ( 7,552 - 8,408) |
Pacific | 14,115, (12,001 - 16,229) | 7,349, ( 6,905 - 7,793) |
Middle Atlantic | 12,223, (10,633 - 13,814) | 7,987, ( 7,659 - 8,316) |
Mountain South | 8,610, ( 6,536 - 10,685) | 10,743, ( 8,178 - 13,308) |
Mountain North | 9,356, ( 5,698 - 13,014) | 8,099, ( 7,396 - 8,803) |
New England | 9,001, ( 6,766 - 11,236) | 6,964, ( 5,918 - 8,010) |
Census Division | Urban Internet Access, % (95% CI) | Rural Internet Access, % (95% CI) | Difference, % (95% CI) |
Mountain South | 85.3 (81.3, 89.2) | 66.7 (58.3, 75.2) | 18.5% ( 7.2, 29.8) |
East South Central | 78.4 (70.5, 86.2) | 69.0 (63.5, 74.6) | 9.3% (-1.4, 20.1) |
West North Central | 88.0 (84.6, 91.4) | 80.3 (71.5, 89.2) | 7.7% (-2.5, 17.8) |
Mountain North | 87.4 (82.0, 92.9) | 81.9 (73.8, 90.0) | 5.5% (-6.2, 17.2) |
West South Central | 81.6 (76.4, 86.8) | 76.5 (72.1, 80.9) | 5.1% (-2.3, 12.5) |
Pacific | 88.7 (86.2, 91.2) | 85.3 (77.4, 93.1) | 3.4% (-4.5, 11.4) |
South Atlantic | 85.3 (82.6, 88.0) | 82.0 (76.3, 87.8) | 3.3% (-3.5, 10.1) |
New England | 87.6 (82.5, 92.6) | 85.8 (82.4, 89.2) | 1.8% (-2.5, 6.0) |
East North Central | 86.3 (83.8, 88.7) | 86.2 (81.6, 90.8) | 0.0% (-5.3, 5.4) |
Middle Atlantic | 89.3 (83.9, 94.8) | 91.3 (85.3, 97.3) | -1.9% (-9.1, 5.2) |
In the Mountain South division there is an 18.5% disparity between Urban and Rural internet access. This is approximately twice as large as the next largest estimated disparity and the only estimate whose confidence interval does not include zero.