
The material in this lesson is largely based on:

General Information on Memory

You likely already know that binary data is composed of bits (0 or 1). You may also know that computer systems generally use bytes containing multiple bits as the basic addressable unit.

In modern computer architectures a byte usually consists of 8 bits. When describing a data storage quantity in terms of bytes we traditionally use prefixes based on powers of 2, so that 1KB \(= 2^{10} (1024)\) bytes, a MB = \(2^{20}\) (1,048,576) bytes etc. But SI prefixes using base 10 are now more common common, 1kB = 1e3 bytes, 1 MB = 1e6 bytes.

You may also want to review the section ‘Storage’ from Professor Shedden’s notes.

An understanding of virtual memory, segmentation, and caching may be of use at some point in the future but is not required for this course.

Understanding memory usage in R

A useful tool for exploring memory management in R is Hadley Wickham’s pryr package. It contains a function pryr::object_size similar to object.size but with these differences:

  • It accounts for memory shared by elements in an object
  • It attempts to account for memory from environments associated with an object.

Here are some examples.

## 96 bytes
## 96 B
## 21501712 bytes
## 21.5 MB
## 21.5 MB
##     base     pryr 
## 21501712 21500520
##    base    pryr 
## 1200224  400128
## 400 kB
## 400 kB
## 400 kB
## 400 kB
## 1200.2 kB

To understand this last example, we need to recall R’s “copy on modify semantics” discussed during the lessons on data.table. Here we will use the function tracemem() to get the memory address of an object. When this changes we can be sure that an object has been copied. Similar functionality is available via pryr::address() or data.table::address().

## [1] "<0x7fc0882ffcf8>"
## [1] "<0x7fc0856b0eb8>"
## [1] "0x7fc0856b0eb8"
## [1] "0x7fc0856b0eb8"
## <VECSXP 0x7fc0856b0eb8>
##   <INTSXP 0x7fc0882ffcf8>
##   [INTSXP 0x7fc0882ffcf8]
##   [INTSXP 0x7fc0882ffcf8]
## [1] "<0x7fc0882ffcf8>" "<0x110ad3000>"    "<0x7fc0882ffcf8>"
## 800 kB
## 800 kB

Here is an example of how environments impact object_size.

##   base   pryr 
##    728 400888
## base pryr 
##  728  728
##   base   pryr 
##    728 400832
## 672 B
## 400 kB

Two other useful functions from pryr are mem_used() which adds up the total size of all objects in memory and mem_change() which tracks changes to this quantity. When working with mem_change() ignore anything ~2KB or smaller as this mostly is impacted by changes to .Rhistory.

## [1] "f"     "g"     "h"     "nyc14" "x"     "z"
## 73.3 MB
## 4 MB
## -4 MB
## -21.5 MB

Vector size

This example is taken from section 18.1 of the first edition of Advanced R.

Here we exam the size, in bytes, of R vectors of class integer with lengths 0 through 100.

##  [1]  48  56  56  64  64  80  80  80  80  96  96  96  96 112 112 112 112
## [18] 176 176 176

It turns out that empty vectors of any type occupy 48 bytes of memory,

## numeric logical integer     raw    list 
##      48      48      48      48      48

These bytes are used to store the following components:

  1. Metadata including the type and some other information
  2. Pointers to the next and previous object in memory.
  3. A pointer to the attributes.
  4. Vector length
  5. “True length” used primarily for environments.

How do we interpret the remaining steps in the graph? First, consider the regular steps for the later vectors:

## [1] 8 0 8 0

For vectors beyond 128 bytes in size (excluding overhead) R requests memory from the OS in 8 byte chunks using the C function malloc(). Since an integer occupies 4 bytes, the memory increases every other integer.

For vectors, smaller than 128 bytes in size R performs its own memory management using something called the ‘small vector pool’ to avoid unnecessary requests to the OS for RAM. For simplicity, it only allocates bytes in multiples of 2 as shown in the plot. Note that these values correspond to the data held by the vector and not the 48 B of overhead. This small vector pool is expanded by a page in increments of 2000 bytes as needed.


Question 1: What vector lengths are shown by the vertical lines in the plot below? Where do the horizontal lines intersect the y-axis?

Question 2: Recall that an integer type is stored using 4 bytes while the double type uses 8 bytes. What are the values of a and b after running the R code below?

## [1]  0  8 16 32 48 64

Question 3: What are the approximate values of mem_a - mem_c below?

## 4 MB

Strings and factors

We noted above that integers are stored using 4 bytes (32 bits) and doubles 8 bytes (64 bits). What about characters? According to the R documenation on CRAN, R uses a global pool of strings and pointers to them in actual strings.

## 112 B
## 800 kB
##   base   pryr 
## 800104 800104
## 800 kB

The global pool stores both the encoding of each string and the actual bytes.

In contrast, R objects of class factor are stored as integers encoding the levels which are in turn strings. Since integers occupy only 4 bytes, if there are only a few levels the factor can have a smaller memory footprint.

## 400 kB
## 800 kB
## 401 kB

In contrast, if there are many levels the factor may have a larger footprint. Read more from data.table author Matt Dowle here.

Profiling with Rprof and profviz

The Rprof() function can be used to profile R code for both speed and memory usage by sampling. This works by recording in a log every so often (by default .02 s) what functions are currently on the stack. It will also

Example: Screening Correlation Coefficients

Recall our comparisons of various R implementations for screening correlation coefficients for a large number of possible predictors in the rows of a matrix xmat with a single outcome y. Here we will add a Fisher transform as well and return just the indices where the sample coefficients is nominally significant.

## 240 MB
## 2.45 kB
## -240 MB
## [[1]]
## integer(0)
## [[2]]
## integer(0)
## [[3]]
## integer(0)

Here is an example of profiling cor_screen_1 for speed with Rprof().

## $by.self
##                 self.time self.pct total.time total.pct
## "cor"               0.390    24.59      1.486     93.69    1484.4
## ""     0.298    18.79      0.298     18.79     296.5
## "stopifnot"         0.188    11.85      0.268     16.90     255.6
## "match.arg"         0.186    11.73      0.460     29.00     456.0
## "eval"              0.140     8.83      1.584     99.87    1575.9
## "cor_screen_1"      0.096     6.05      1.584     99.87    1575.9
## "pmatch"            0.054     3.40      0.056      3.53      66.6
## "formals"           0.042     2.65      0.100      6.31     102.3
## "sys.function"      0.038     2.40      0.058      3.66      65.2
## "...elt"            0.038     2.40      0.044      2.77      43.2
## "all"               0.024     1.51      0.024      1.51      20.2
## "sys.parent"        0.020     1.26      0.020      1.26      19.2
## "c"                 0.014     0.88      0.014      0.88      22.2
## "sys.frame"         0.014     0.88      0.014      0.88      13.0
## "as.character"      0.008     0.50      0.008      0.50       8.9
## ""             0.008     0.50      0.008      0.50       8.3
## "is.atomic"         0.006     0.38      0.006      0.38       5.5
## "...length"         0.004     0.25      0.004      0.25       5.7
## "anyNA"             0.004     0.25      0.004      0.25      10.6
## "invisible"         0.004     0.25      0.004      0.25       1.5
## "is.matrix"         0.004     0.25      0.004      0.25       3.2
## "is.numeric"        0.004     0.25      0.004      0.25       6.9
## "which"             0.002     0.13      0.002      0.13       1.1
## $
##                       total.time total.pct self.time self.pct
## "block_exec"               1.586    100.00    1576.8     0.000     0.00
## "call_block"               1.586    100.00    1576.8     0.000     0.00
## "evaluate_call"            1.586    100.00    1576.8     0.000     0.00
## "evaluate::evaluate"       1.586    100.00    1576.8     0.000     0.00
## "evaluate"                 1.586    100.00    1576.8     0.000     0.00
## "in_dir"                   1.586    100.00    1576.8     0.000     0.00
## "knitr::knit"              1.586    100.00    1576.8     0.000     0.00
## "process_file"             1.586    100.00    1576.8     0.000     0.00
## "process_group.block"      1.586    100.00    1576.8     0.000     0.00
## "process_group"            1.586    100.00    1576.8     0.000     0.00
## "rmarkdown::render"        1.586    100.00    1576.8     0.000     0.00
## "withCallingHandlers"      1.586    100.00    1576.8     0.000     0.00
## "eval"                     1.584     99.87    1575.9     0.140     8.83
## "cor_screen_1"             1.584     99.87    1575.9     0.096     6.05
## "handle"                   1.584     99.87    1575.9     0.000     0.00
## "timing_fn"                1.584     99.87    1575.9     0.000     0.00
## "withVisible"              1.584     99.87    1575.9     0.000     0.00
## "cor"                      1.486     93.69    1484.4     0.390    24.59
## "match.arg"                0.460     29.00     456.0     0.186    11.73
## ""            0.298     18.79     296.5     0.298    18.79
## "stopifnot"                0.268     16.90     255.6     0.188    11.85
## "formals"                  0.100      6.31     102.3     0.042     2.65
## "sys.function"             0.058      3.66      65.2     0.038     2.40
## "pmatch"                   0.056      3.53      66.6     0.054     3.40
## "...elt"                   0.044      2.77      43.2     0.038     2.40
## "all"                      0.024      1.51      20.2     0.024     1.51
## "sys.parent"               0.020      1.26      19.2     0.020     1.26
## "c"                        0.014      0.88      22.2     0.014     0.88
## "sys.frame"                0.014      0.88      13.0     0.014     0.88
## "as.character"             0.008      0.50       8.9     0.008     0.50
## ""                    0.008      0.50       8.3     0.008     0.50
## "is.atomic"                0.006      0.38       5.5     0.006     0.38
## "...length"                0.004      0.25       5.7     0.004     0.25
## "anyNA"                    0.004      0.25      10.6     0.004     0.25
## "invisible"                0.004      0.25       1.5     0.004     0.25
## "is.matrix"                0.004      0.25       3.2     0.004     0.25
## "is.numeric"               0.004      0.25       6.9     0.004     0.25
## "which"                    0.002      0.13       1.1     0.002     0.13
## "sink"                     0.002      0.13       0.9     0.000     0.00
## "w$close"                  0.002      0.13       0.9     0.000     0.00
## $sample.interval
## [1] 0.002
## $sampling.time
## [1] 1.586

Here are two other options for the memory parameter.

## index: "rmarkdown::render":"knitr::knit"
##      vsize.small  max.vsize.small      vsize.large  max.vsize.large 
##            67539          4328616          1691032        975262272 
##            nodes        max.nodes     duplications tot.duplications 
##          1615126         42318304              505           400192 
##          samples 
##              793

Using profvis to visualize profiling information

The profvis package is built on Rprof() but aims to provide more useful summary information.