
# libraries: -------------------------------------------------------------------
  library(tidyverse); library(data.table); library(future)


To scroll the first few lines of the compressed data use:

< GSE138311_series_matrix.txt.gz gunzip -cd | less -S

You could find the line number for the header row using:

< GSE138311_series_matrix.txt.gz gunzip -cd | grep -n "ID_REF"

There are 68 rows of metadata, with column headers beginning on line 69. There is also a tag at the end of the file, we will let fread handle this here.


In this part we read and format the data, pivoting to a longer format with one row per methylation site.

# (b) read in the data: --------------------------------------------------------
df = fread('gunzip -cd ./GSE138311_series_matrix.txt.gz', skip = 68)
## Warning in fread("gunzip -cd ./GSE138311_series_matrix.txt.gz", skip = 68):
## Discarded single-line footer: <<!series_matrix_table_end>>
# (b) subset to chromosomonal sites: -------------------------------------------
df_chrom = df[grep('^ch', ID_REF)]

# (b) remove missing sample: ---------------------------------------------------
df_chrom[ , GSM4105199 := NULL]

# (b) transform to a long format: ---------------------------------------------
chrom_long = 
  melt( df_chrom, id.vars = 'ID_REF', = 'sample', = 'methyl')


In this part we associate each sampel with the appropriate Crohn’s or not Crohn’s group.

# (c) crohn's and no-crohn's samples: -----------------------------------------
crohn_names = paste0("GSM41051", 87:93)
norm_names = paste0("GSM41051", 94:98)

chrom_long[ , `:=`(sample_group =
                     ifelse( sample %in% crohn_names, "crohn", "normal"))]


Next, we compute t-statistics for each methylation site / probe.

# (d) compute a t-statistic for each methylation site: ------------------------
## assuming homogenous variance
chrom_t = chrom_long[ , .(m = mean(methyl), v = var(methyl), N = .N) , 
            keyby = .(ID_REF, sample_group)]

## keyby, above, ensures sample_groups are always in the same order
chrom_t = 
  chrom_t[ , 
    .(tstat = diff(m) / sqrt( sum( {N - 1} * v ) / {sum(N) - 2} * sum(1 / N))), 
    by = .(ID_REF)]


Next, we associate methylation sites / probes with the chromosomes where they appear. Note the use of reference semantics here.

# (e) add a column, "probe_group" by reference based on first 5 digits of ID
chrom_t[ , `:=`(probe_group = str_sub(ID_REF, 1, 5))]


In part f, we compute the proportion of probes that nominally significant differencs between the two Crohn’s groups. “Nominally” here refers to the fact that we have not adjusted for multiple comparisons. From the plot, we see that most of the chromosomes have more than the expected 5% differnces if the two groups were samples from populations with equal levels of methylation across all gens. However, chromosome 14 also stands out as having a higher proportion of nominally significant probes than the others chromosomes

# (f) compute proportion of nominally significant sites by group and plot: -----
## Note chromsome 14 has a high percentage of nominally significant 
##  t-stats with magnitude greater than 2.22
prop_nom_sig = 
  chrom_t[ , .(p = mean({abs(tstat) > qt(.975, df = 10)} * abs(tstat))), 

prop_nom_sig = prop_nom_sig[order(p)]
prop_nom_sig[ , probe_group := factor(probe_group, probe_group)]
ggplot(prop_nom_sig, aes( y = p, x = probe_group) ) +
  geom_col() +
  theme_bw() + 
  xlab("Chromosome") +
  ylab("proportion of methylation sites nominally significant") +
  ggtitle("Comparing adipocyte methylation in Crohn's to Non-Crohn's.") +
  ylim(c(0, .5)) +
  geom_hline( yintercept = 0.05, color = 'darkred')


Next, we would like to test the significance of the chromsome 14 anomaly noted above. We will adjust our means for doing so by weighting probe sites with larger t-values higher, but ascribing no signal to sites not passing the nominal significance threshold. To do so, we will use a permutation test.

In this part, we write a function for computing the t-statistics and chromsome/probe group summary scores as laid out in the assignment. The function will permute the group labels first if requested.

# (g) function for computimg group-level stat on original or permtued data: ----
compute_custom_stat = function(chrom_long, 
                               permute = FALSE,
                               type = c('two-tail', 'greater', 'lesser')
                      ) {
    # This function computes probe-level t-statistics and then aggregates them
    #   to chromosome level statistics. It is not intended for use outside of 
    #   this script.
    # Inputs:
    #  chrom_long - a data.table object, like the one of the same name
    #               created in this script above
    #  permute - when true, the sample groups are permuted prior to computing
    #            the t-statistics
    #  type - which statistic to compute, see the original assignment for
    #         details.
    # Output: A vector of 'probe_group'- (chromosome) level statistics. 

    # match type requested
    type = match.arg(type, c('two-tail', 'greater', 'lesser'))
    stopifnot( type %in% c('two-tail', 'greater', 'lesser') )
    # If a permuation is asked for, copy the data and permute the group label
    if ( permute ) {
      perm_groups = chrom_long[ , .N, .(sample, sample_group)]
      perm_groups[ , sample_group := sample(sample_group, replace = FALSE)]
      chrom_long = merge( chrom_long[, !"sample_group"], perm_groups, 
                           by = 'sample')
    # Compute means and variance by group
    chrom_t = chrom_long[ , .(m = mean(methyl), v = var(methyl), N = .N) , 
                        keyby = .(ID_REF, sample_group)]
    df = chrom_t[, .(N = unique(N)), sample_group][, sum(N) - .N]
    ## Compute pooled t-statistic for each gene
    chrom_t = 
      chrom_t[, .(tstat = diff(m) / 
                    sqrt( sum( {N - 1} * v ) / {sum(N) - 2} * sum(1 / N))
                 by = .(ID_REF)]
    chrom_t[ , `:=`(probe_group = str_sub(ID_REF, 1, 5))]
    ## Find proportion of t-stats with absolute value greater than 2, and
    ##  scale by size of t-stat
    if ( type == 'two-tail' ) {
      return( chrom_t[, mean( {abs(tstat) > qt(.975, df = df)} * abs(tstat) ),
    } else if ( type == 'greater' ) {
        chrom_t[, mean( {tstat > qt(.95, df = df)} * tstat), probe_group] 
    } else {
        chrom_t[, mean( {-tstat > qt(.95, df = df)} * tstat), probe_group] 
#compute_custom_stat(chrom_long, permute = FALSE, type = 'greater')
#compute_custom_stat(chrom_long, permute = FALSE, type = 'lesser')
#compute_custom_stat(chrom_long, permute = FALSE, type = 'two-tail')

We could make the computations below more efficient by allowing the function above to compute more than one permutation at a time.


In this part, we compute the \(T_{\textrm{abs}}\) statistic from 1000 permutations to build up a sample from a null distribution. We contrast timings with one or two threads for data.table; this makes little difference because the computations for a single permuation are relatively light.

# (h) permute for T_abs, sequentially: -----------------------------------------

##Serial time for 1000 permutations, using two threads for data.table operations 
# getDTthreads()  ##2
nperm = 1e3
tm_seq =
  perm_list = vector(mode = 'list', length = nperm)
  for( perm in 1:nperm) {
    perm_list[[perm]] = compute_custom_stat(chrom_long, permute = TRUE)
    #if( perm %% 100 == 0) cat(perm, "perms\n")

# Serial time for 1000 permutations using one thread for data.table operations
setDTthreads(threads = 1)
tm_seq1 = system.time({
  perm_list = vector(mode = 'list', length = nperm)
  for( perm in 1:nperm) {
    perm_list[[perm]] = compute_custom_stat(chrom_long, permute = TRUE)
    #if( perm %% 100 == 0) cat(perm, "perms\n")


Next, we sample from the null distribution for the \(T_{\textrm{up}}\) statistics. Here we use parallel::mclapply to split the computations into two parallel groups. The timing here is from my 4-core macbook. An important point to realize here is that the argument mc.preschedule defaults to TRUE, so the process is only forked twice (not 1,000 times) with each child process computing half of the function calls.

# (i) permute for T_up, using mclapply: ----------------------------------------
# Note that dtThreads is still set to 1.
tm_mclapply = 
  perm_list_up = 
    parallel::mclapply(1:nperm, function(i) {
      compute_custom_stat(chrom_long, permute = TRUE, type = 'greater')
    }, mc.cores = 2)


In the final part, we obtain our 1,000 samples from the permutation distribution of \(T_{\textrm{down}}\) using futures for parallelism. If you’re note careful to use pre-scheduling, you can make this run significantly slower than the sequential version by incurring the overhead of dispatching 1,000 futures.

In timing the futures, it is also important that you don’t stop timing until all values are returned. Otherwise it isn’t comparable to the values above.

# (j) permute for T_down, using futures: ---------------------------------------
# Note that dtThreads is still set to 1.
nworkers = 2
plan(multisession, workers = nworkers)

## Based on sequential timing, we know each function call takes ~0.04 seconds
##  we want to employ prescheduling manually to make this more feasible. 
##  Compare the result to issuing `nperm` futures in a simple for loop,
##  which would be like setting mc.preschedule = FALSE in mclapply.
tm_future = 
  future_list = vector( mode = 'list', length = nworkers)
  for( i in 1:nworkers ) {
    # This code chunk splits the perms into chunks, and handles cases where
    # nperm is not an exact multiple of nworkers
    if ( i == nworkers ){
      chunk_perms = nperm - {nworkers - 1}*nperm %/% nworkers
    } else {
      chunk_perms = nperm %/% nworkers
    future_list[[i]] = future({
      lapply( 1:chunk_perms, 
       function(n) {
         compute_custom_stat(chrom_long, permute = TRUE, type = 'lesser')
    }) # ends the future
  } # ends the for loop

  # result above is a nested list of futures  
  perm_list_down ="c", lapply(future_list, value) ) 

Timing Comparison

Here we briefly compare the timing of the implementations above. A solution creating all multiple permutations in a single data.table would likely be more efficient thans this.

cap_tm = "**Table 1.** *Timing comparisons.*"
  Approach = c('Sequential, 2 dt threads',
               'Sequential, 1 dt threads',
               'mclapply, 2 forked process',
               'futures, 2 background chunks'),
  `Time, s` = round(rbind(tm_seq, tm_seq1, tm_mclapply, tm_future)[,3], 1)
  knitr::kable(format = 'html', caption = cap_tm) %>%
  kableExtra::kable_styling("striped", full_width = TRUE)
Table 1. Timing comparisons.
Approach Time, s
Sequential, 2 dt threads 55.4
Sequential, 1 dt threads 47.9
mclapply, 2 forked process 24.6
futures, 2 background chunks 38.8


We conclude by presenting the results.

# A quick analysis of each set of tests: ---------------------------------------
## You weren't explicitly asked to do this, but you may want to see the results.

## two-tailed
chrom_perm_abs = rbindlist(perm_list)
chrom_obs = compute_custom_stat(chrom_long, permute = FALSE)
chrom_perm_abs = 
        chrom_obs[ , .(probe_group, obs = V1)],
        by = 'probe_group',
        all.x = TRUE
p_abs = 
  chrom_perm_abs[ , .( p_abs = {1 + sum(V1 >= obs)} / {.N+1}), probe_group]

## higher methylation in Crohn's
chrom_perm_up = rbindlist(perm_list_up)
chrom_obs_up = compute_custom_stat(chrom_long, permute = FALSE, type = 'gr')
chrom_perm_up = 
        chrom_obs_up[ , .(probe_group, obs = V1)],
        by = 'probe_group',
        all.x = TRUE
p_up = 
  chrom_perm_up[ , .( p_up= {1 + sum(V1 >= obs)} / {.N+1}), probe_group]

## lower methylation in Crohn's
chrom_perm_down = rbindlist(perm_list_down)
chrom_obs_down = compute_custom_stat(chrom_long, permute = FALSE, type = 'le')
chrom_perm_down = 
        chrom_obs_down[ , .(probe_group, obs = V1)],
        by = 'probe_group',
        all.x = TRUE
p_down = 
  chrom_perm_down[ , .( p_down = {1 + sum(V1 <= obs)} / {.N+1}), probe_group]

p_tab = 
  merge( merge(p_abs, p_up, by = 'probe_group'), p_down, by = 'probe_group')
p_tab = p_tab[order(p_abs), lapply(.SD, round, digits = 3), 
              .SDcols = paste0('p_', c('abs', 'up', 'down')) ]

cap_res = "**Table 2.** *Results.*"
cn = c('$p_{\textrm{abs}}$', '$p_{\textrm{up}}$', '$p_{\textrm{down}}$')
knitr::kable(p_tab, format = 'html', col.names = cn, caption = cap_res) %>%
  kableExtra::kable_styling("striped", full_width = TRUE)
Table 2. Results.
\(p_{ \textrm{abs}}\) \(p_{ \textrm{up}}\) \(p_{ \textrm{down}}\)
0.065 0.402 0.057
0.153 0.484 0.199
0.220 0.631 0.199
0.392 0.785 0.140
0.403 0.874 0.195
0.405 0.498 0.214
0.421 0.697 0.281
0.444 0.676 0.285
0.450 0.663 0.252
0.454 0.892 0.130
0.455 0.752 0.280
0.489 0.341 0.176
0.500 1.000 0.212
0.503 0.555 0.245
0.516 1.000 0.370
0.534 0.805 0.294
0.559 0.853 0.257
0.572 0.878 0.172
0.606 0.453 0.233
0.611 0.784 0.164
0.665 1.000 0.313
0.693 0.585 0.467
0.806 0.527 0.237