

Question 1 [15 points]

Repeat question 1 from problem set 4, originally question 2 part d of problem set 2.

Question 2 [30 points]

This question asks you to revisit problem set 2, question 1 parts a, c-d. For this problem set, it is sufficient to compute the required results, including standard errors, and export them to csv. You do not need to create tables or graphs.

Use the 2015 RECS survey data available here.

In this question use SAS procedures and data steps, avoiding proc SQL which will be used in the next question.

  1. [5 pts] First, use proc transpose to reshape the repliacte weights to a longer format. Save these to disk as brrwt_long.sas7bdat using a two part filename.

  2. [10 pts] Estiamte the national average home temperature at night, among homes that use space heating.

  3. [15 pts] Next, by census division, estimate the average winter home temperatures at night, during the day with someone home, and during the day with no one home (when applicable).

Question 3 [25 points]

Repeat the second two parts (b and c) of question 2 above, using proc SQL.