Example +

  1. Visit https://www.eia.gov/consumption/residential/data/2015/index.php?view=microdata

  2. Click “csv” to download to your local computer.

  3. Open a terminal and use scp to transfer this data to the 506/data folder in AFS:

    • scp ~/Downloads/recs2015_public_v4.csv user@login.itd.umich.edu:~/506/data/
    • You may need to modify the local or remote paths depending on your file system and directory structure.
    • Reverse the arguments to copy in the other direction.
    • ~ expansion may not work on all hosts
  4. Use wget to directly download the data to the remote server:

    • Connect to login.itd.umich.edu and change directories to 506/data
    • Return to your browser, right click on “csv” and copy the address
    • Use wget and the address to download
  5. Transfer data using sftp:

    • Connect to login.itd.umich.edu using sftp
    • Use put with full file path (no ~ expansion) to transfer local to remote
    • Use get to transfer a smaller version back
    • Navigate the file system using ls, cd, etc.
  6. For long-running or uncertain transfer times you should do the above within in a tmux session.