
Stata is statistical analysis software used commonly in social sciences. It is known for it’s ease of use, robust support for complex survey design, and comprehensive and clear documentation.

Stata (pronounced either of stay-ta or stat-ta, the official FAQ supports both) is primarily interacted with via typed commands written in the Stata syntax. There is a GUI that you can access via midesktop, or you can SSH into one of the university Linux servers and run Stata at the command line (via the stata command).

Once you have Stata up and running, the simplest form of use is as a calculator.

. display 2 + 4

The . is often used for documents like this to note a command; whenever you run a command in Stata, the first thing it does is echo back the command you ran prefixed by the ..

The command name is “display” and it outputs the requested expression. This is a trivial example, but display is much more flexible.

Common Syntax

Most Stata commands follow the same basic format:

. command <variable(s)>, <options>

The command can have sub-commands. The number of variables which needs to be/can be passed obviously varies by command. The order of variables may matter (for example, any regression model treats the first listed variable as the response.)

The options are space-separated words (e.g. robust) or words with options (e.g. level(.90)). Almost all commands support some number of options, most commands do not require any options.

For example, a regression would be as simple as

. regress y x1 x2, noconstant

This is defining a linear regression model predicting y based upon the continuous variables x1 and x2. The noconstant operation forces \(\beta_0 = 0.\)

Stata supports abbreviations for most commands. For example, the regression command could have been typed as:

. reg y x1 x2, nocons

I would not recommend using abbreviations in most cases (a lot aren’t as clear as reg), but you may see others use them.

Most commands support an if or in option to operate on a subset of the data. For example,

. regress y x1 x2 if female == 1

performs linear regression only on the female subsample. The in option operates on specific rows, and may be useful for testing slow running code:

. regress y x1 x2 in 1/100

The 1/100 syntax is equivalent to writing 1 2 3 4 .... 99 100.

Help Files

Stata has well-written, comprehensive documentation. Use the help _____ syntax to look up documentation on any command. Help files contain the syntax of the command, a list of options allowed, a description of the command, and a number of examples. Additionally, the very top of each help file contains a link to the appropriate location in the full Stata manual which typically has further examples. Use these help files liberally.

Note that running help on an abbreviation (e.g. help reg) pulls up the help correctly. This is useful when reading others code. Additionally, in the syntax and options listing, you’ll see partial underlining. These indicate the required abbreviations.

One Data Set

One quirk of Stata is that until the most recent version of Stata, only a single data set could be open at a time. Because of this, in earlier versions of Stata if you wanted to operate on multiple data sets, you either need to be constantly switching between them, or merge them into one file (for help with merging, look into the append and merge commands).

The benefit of having a single data set open is that you never need to refer to it - any command you give must operate on the open data set.

The most recent version of Stata introduced the concept of frames, – rectangular datasets much like data.frames in R – that can be used to store multiple datasets in memory.


You can access files with:

For importation, if working in the Stata GUI you may consider using the File -> Import menu instead of trying to type the command. The Import dialog box has a live preview as you change settings which can be useful. After you run the import, the command it generated is echoed and you can save it to run again.

You can save a data set with the save command which works as

. save newfilename

Passing the replace option allows Stata to overwrite an existing file. Stata will throw an error if you try to overwrite an existing data sets without specifying replace.

To make your analyses reproducible, I’d recommend always specifying replace for data sets created by your scripts, and never saving to data files obtained from elsewhere.

If you try and open a new data set when there are un-saved changes in the existing data, Stata will refuse with an error. The clear command will remove the existing data and allow you to load a new data set. You can also pass clear as an option to the commands use/sysuse/webuse/import to save one step.

The preserve and restore commands can be very useful for switching between files or making destructive modifications to an existing data set. The preserve command takes a snapshot of the data as it currently is, and restore switches back to it. To see an example of it, consider the collapse command. The collapse command generates a summary data set by collapsing the existing data by a given variable and creating summary statistics. For example, if we have some sort of census data,

. collapse (mean) bmi (percent) female, by(state)

This would replace the existing data set with a new one with one row per state, containing a variable indicating which state, a variable indicating the average BMI in that state, and a variable indicating the percent of the state which is female.

The command collapse is destructive; after running it the original data (and any unsaved changes) is lost. We can wrap this in preserve and restore to save the descriptive data and recover the original data.

. use data1
. preserve
. collapse (median) x1 x2 (min) x3 (sum) x4, by(group)
. save summarydata
. restore

After running the above five lines, “data1” will still be open, but we’ll have a new file “summarydata”.

Alternatively, since version 16, frames could be used for the above.

. use data1
. frame copy default group_summary
. frame group_summary: collapse (median) x1 x2 (min) x3 (sum) x4, by(group)

Data Inspection

The following commands may be useful for exploring the data:


Stata scripts are called “Do-files”, named for their extensions (.do). In the GUI, you can open a new Do-file for editing by typing doedit. You can run Do-files interactively by highlighting the desired code and hitting the “Execute (Do)” (Windows) or “Do” (Mac) buttons or using an associated shortcut key.

Do-files can also be run from start to finish by using the do command. Alternatively, if you are accessing Stata at the command line via SSH, you can simply run stata to launch Stata, run the Do-file, and exit.


Stata uses some programming terminology in unique ways. Specifically:

Estimation commands

In addition to the one data principal, Stata also operates on one estimation command at a time. An estimation command is any command which produces some inference, for example mean to obtain the mean and a confidence interval, or regress as we discussed above. The commands save or preserve are not estimation commands. After running an estimation command, Stata provides access to postestimation commands and returned objects.

Postestimation commands

Estimation commands support commands that follow them and use their results. For example, after a regression command we can obtain the AIC and BIC by running

. estat ic

Note that we do not refer to a specific model. You can see a list of all postestimation commands supported by running help ____ postestimation. For example, help regress postestimation.

Returned objects

The code run by issuing an estimation command, typically creates several objects which can be examined. Estimation commands are either of R-class or E-class (the distinction is not very important). What is important is that E-class commands store things in the ereturn while R-class commands store in the return.

For example, after running regress, the object r(r2) contains the \(R^2\) for the model.

. regress y x
. display e(r2)

Matrices can also be returned, but cannot be accessed with display, instead we use matrix list:

. matrix list e(V)

which will return the variance-covariance matrix of the estimators.

You can see a full list of the returned objects via return list or ereturn list. The help file for each command will also describe what the command returns.

We will see how these objects can be manipulated after we discuss macros.


Macros in Stata use a simple substitution evaluation system. We define a macro with the local command.

. local myvars x1 x2 x3
. regress y `myvars'

The local command stores whatever is past the name of the macro. When it is referenced via the backtick and single quote syntax, the stored value is substituted into the command before the command is executed. For example, when you run the regress line above, Stata will replace “`myvars’” with “x1 x2 x3” and then execute the regression model.

Macros can also store numeric values and can be operated on.

. local x 3
. display `x'
. local y = `x' + 2
. display `y'

You’ll notice the first local call contains no equal sign, whereas the second does. The equal forces immediate evaluation. You can see the difference by running:

. display `y'
. display "`y'"
. local y2 `x' + 2
. display `y2'
. display "`y2'"

You can store returned objects and operate or display them.

. regress y x
. local r2 e(r2)
. display "The model R^2 is " `r2'

Matrices can be stored as well

. regress y x
. matrix v = e(V)
. display "The variance/covariance matrix:"
. matrix list v

Note that when referring to matrices, no tick/quote is needed. However, matrices can be referred to in more limited contexts than can macros.


Loops are another place where macros are used often. The syntax is very similar to other languages.

foreach <macro name> of <list of numbers/words/variables> {

The list can be:

  • numbers: numlist 1/5 or numlist 1 4 29 192
  • words: a b c
  • variables: varlist x y z

For example, to regress over a series of outcome variables:

foreach var of varlist y1 y2 y3 {
    regress `var' x1 x2
    estimates store reg_`var'

The estimates store command saves the regression results so that you can restore them later using estimates restore to make them the most recent estimation command, or use a command such as outreg to produce an output document.

Alternatively, if the variables names are that clean, you could use the numerical suffix as the iterator:

foreach i of numlist 1/3 {
    regress y`i' x1 x2
    estimates store reg_y`i'

Manipulating data


Mata is a matrix programming language which is part of Stata. It has two primary uses:

While objects from Stata can be passed into Mata and vice-versa, most of the time we can think of Mata as completely independent of Stata.

Mata is entered by using the mata command.

. mata

When in Mata mode, the prompt changes from a . to :. Stata commands will not be accepted inside Mata. To exit Mata, enter the end command.

: end

You can enter mathematical expressions directly into Mata:

: 5-4

When inside Mata, you can define and use “variables” in the same sense as R.

: x = 4
: x + 2

It also supports functions, e.g.

Mata sessions have permanence. If you end a Mata session and then invoke a new session, it retains the same variables.

You can also run a single line of Mata with the mata: preface. After running this command, you will be in Stata, not Mata.

. mata: 2 + 2

To define a Mata matrix, we can combine the column-join operator , and the row-join operator \. We can print a matrix by calling it alone.

: M = (1,2\3,4)
: M

To help keep track of object dimensions I’d reccomend using lowercase letters for scalars and upper case letters for matrices.

Matrix operations work as expected. We can:

We can pass matrices between Stata and Mata using the st_matrix() function. This functions works inside of Mata.

Let’s say we run a regression in Stata:

. sysuse auto
. regress mpg headroom

We saw before that e(V) contains the variance/covariance matrix, but let’s obtain the standard errors for the coefficients.

. matrix v = e(V)
. matrix list v

To manipulate these, we can pass them into Mata.

. mata:
: V = st_matrix("v")
: SE = diagonal(sqrt(V))
: st_matrix("se", SE)
: end
. matrix list se

The diagonal function extracts only the diagonal of the matrix. Confusingly, as opposed to the diag, which only sets off-diagonal elements to 0.

Regression and margins

One of Stata’s most popular tools is the margins command. It is a very complex command (the help manual for this one command is ~55 pages long), but extremely powerful. We’ll explore two common uses.

First, when running a regression with a categorical variable, one level of the categorical variable is the reference, and all other groups are tested against it. If you wanted to test between variables which weren’t the reference, you need to either change the reference category or develop a contrast. margins does this second step automatically.

. regress y x i.z
. margins z
. margins z, pwcompare

First, note the i.z variable in the regress command. All Stata models assume by default that variables are continuous. To treat a variable as categorical, preface it with i.: E.g. variable race would be, in the model, i.race.

The first margins command will estimate the marginal mean for each level in z. This is done by taking the original data, assuming in every row of data that z takes on it’s first group, and then using the regression equation to estimate each response and generate the average. Then it assumes each row of data that z takes it’s next value, and so on.

The second margins command adds the pwcompare option which will generate all contrasts of comparison between each level of z. By default it produces a confidence interval for each contrast; you can obtain a p-value by passing pwcompare(pv) instead.

The second use of margins is for the creation of interaction plots. Interactions are entered into regressions via x##z; this includes the main effects of both x and z as well as their interaction. When a variable is involved in an interaction, Stata assumes it is categorical; you can use c. to treat it as continuous.

. regress y c.x##i.z
. margins z, at(x = (1 2 3 4 5))
. marginsplot

This margins call is obtaining the marginal mean of z at each of those 5 values of x. marginsplot is a post-post-estimation command which can be run after margins to produce a plot (another extremely powerful yet complex command, another 35 pages of documentation).

We can test whether the slope is the same across several subgroups with margins as well:

. margins z, dydx(x)
. margins z, dydx(x) pwcompare(pv)

The dydx() option estimates the slope on a continuous variable by taking the slope of the regression equation relative to the continuous variable. By passing the categorical variable z we’re asking for the slope in each group, and then testing them against each other next.

Other Resources

Examples presented in Class

Professor Shedden’s Stata Intro

Dr. Errickson’s Stata workshop notes: