Course Materials


Course Overview

Linux Shell Skills

Version control using Git

R Basics

Problem Set 1, Solutions pdf

Style Guide

Vectorization and Monte Carlo Estimation

Data transformation with dplyr

Object Oriented Programming in R

Case Study: Methods for the GLM class

Problem Set 2, Solutions

Strings and Regular Expressions

Resampling Techniques

Midterm, Solutions to Part 1, Extra Credit, EC Solutions

Peer Review Guidelines

Problem Set 3, Solutions


Problem Set 4, Solutions

R’s data.table package

Group Project, Peer Review Guidelines

Parallel Computing in R

An Introduction to SQL

Futures in R

Problem Set 5, Solution 1, Solution 2

Memory in R

Problem Set 6, Solution

Introduction to SAS

Exam Review

Final Exam, Solutions, Scripts: Q1b, Q2-SAS Q4-Stata Q4-R